Stone Metaphysical Properties

Amethyst Metaphysical Properties

 Amethyst is a strong and shielding gemstone. It defends against psychic assault, transforming the energy into love and shielding the user from all damage, such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress and bad intentions from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer that reduces stress and tension, calms impatience stabilizes mood swings, and calms fear, anxiety, and aggression. Reduces pain and misery and dispels negativity. Amethyst stimulates psychic skills, opens intuition, and awakens spiritual consciousness. It has excellent cleansing and healing abilities. Amethyst promotes sobriety and has a sobering effect on excessive use of drugs, alcohol, or other addictions. It stimulates and soothes the mind, making it easier to focus, remember things better, and be more motivated. Amethyst helps in dream recall and comprehension. It eases sleeplessness. Encourages compassion and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst regulates the endocrine system, metabolism, and hormone synthesis. It improves the body’s ability to combat cancer, boosts the immune system, and eases discomfort. It helps with tissue regeneration and eliminates cancerous tumors. Blood is cleaned. Relieves stress or discomfort that is mental, emotional, or physical. Amethyst reduces tension and eases headaches. It relieves hearing impairments and lessens bruising, swellings, and injuries. Amethyst effectively treats gastrointestinal ailments, skin conditions, cellular diseases, and respiratory and respiratory tract illnesses.

Aventurine Metaphysical Properties

Aventurine is the stone of abundance. It strengthens one’s ability to take charge and make decisions. Encourages empathy and compassion. Encourages tenacity. Stutters and severe neuroses are alleviated by aventurine. It stabilizes mental state, arouses perception, and fosters creativity. It helps one recognize options and opportunities. Calms irritability and fury. Enhances one’s sense of well-being. Male-female energy is balanced by aventurine. It stimulates cardiac regeneration. Defends against contamination of the environment. The thymus gland and neurological system benefit from aventurine. It lowers cholesterol by stimulating metabolism and balancing blood pressure. Aventurine has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin rashes, allergies, migraines, and eye irritation. It restores health to the urogenital, muscular, respiratory, and sinus systems.

Obsidian Metaphysical Properties

Obsidian improves the truth. It forms a shield against negativity and is a very protective stone. It deflects psychic assault and scavenges noxious environmental ions. Stress and anxiety in the mind are removed by obsidian. It encourages exploration of the uncharted and opens up new horizons, stimulating growth on all levels. It brings mental clarity and removes confusion. It helps you discover your true identity. Ancient traumas and emotional barriers are removed by obsidian. Encourages resilience and compassion.Obsidian detoxifies and helps with digestion. It eases cramps, joint discomfort, and arthritis pain. The extremities are warmed.

Golden Tiger Eye Metaphysical Properties

Tiger Eye is a protective stone that can also be lucky for the wearer. It has the ability to bring the mind into focus, fostering mental clarity and enabling us to address issues without being influenced by our emotions. Very beneficial for overcoming fear and anxiety and curing psychosomatic disorders. Helpful for understanding one’s own needs in relation to others’ needs. Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings, gives us willpower, purpose, courage, and self-confidence, reduces tension, and balances yin-yang while energizing the emotional body. Tiger eye eliminates toxins, soothes pain, heals the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs, strengthens the spine’s alignment, treats broken bones, and benefits the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs.

Hawks Eye Metaphysical Properties

Hawks Eye is also known as Blue Tiger Eye. Many different cultures have employed Hawks Eye. It is still a well-liked option for people seeking to enhance their physical and emotional well-being. The potential of Hawks Eye to assist with problems involving the eyes (Third Eye Chakra) and throat (Throat Chakra) is among its most well-known qualities. The gemstone is thought to ease sore throats, lessen eye strain, and improve eyesight. It is a preferred option for persons who experience headaches and migraines because it is also known to help with these ailments. Hawks Eye is thought to provide potent anchoring qualities. It is a popular option for people who want to feel more rooted in the Earth because it is supposed to aid in emotional balance, stability, and grounding. It is a popular option for people trying to enhance their mental wellbeing because it is thought to relieve stress and anxiety.

Lapis Lazuli Metaphysical Properties

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection that can be worn to ward off psychic attacks. It immediately relieves stress and promotes profound tranquility. It promotes harmony and profound inner self-awareness. It promotes self-awareness, permits self-expression, and reveals the inner truth, giving the personality traits of honesty, compassion, and morality. Encourages creativity and fosters objectivity and clarity. Lapis Lazuli encourages confidence and helps one face and voice their truth. It strengthens friendships and encourages the expression of sentiments and emotions. Lapis Lazuli strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood, decreases blood pressure, and cools and soothes inflammatory areas. Vertigo and insomnia are reduced, and depression is lifted. The respiratory and neurological systems, as well as the thyroid, voice cords, throat, bone marrow, and thymus, are all benefited by lapis lazuli.

Pyrite Metaphysical Properties

Pyrite is a potent protection stone that works on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels to shield and protect from all types of negative vibrations and/or energy. It improves memory and intellectual function, making it easier to recollect pertinent information when required. Pyrite helps one look past appearances, fostering an understanding of what lies underlying words and deeds. Pyrite was a divination and meditation tool utilized by the ancient Incas. The nourishing forces of the body are activated by pyrite’s inspiration of the universal energy. It promotes the ideal of physical, mental, and emotional wellness. It enables one to recognize the universe’s pristine nature.

Rose Quartz Metaphysical Properties

Rose Quartz is the stone of all types of love. It promotes unconditional love by restoring harmony and trust in relationships. Rose quartz purifies and expands the heart on all levels to encourage feelings of serenity, deep inner healing, friendship, and love. It provides comfort during challenging times by being calming and soothing. Rose quartz transforms unloving energy into loving energy by banishing negativity and shielding against environmental contamination. Invoking self-trust and self-worth, it promotes self-forgiveness and acceptance. Rose quartz clears contaminants from body fluids and strengthens and regulates the physical heart and circulatory system. It speeds up the healing process, lowers blood pressure, helps with chest and lung issues, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and lessens vertigo. An excellent source of energy for people with leukemia. Using Rose Quartz,

White Jade Metaphysical Properties

White Jade represents calmness and purity. It represents knowledge obtained in peace. It improves nurturing and affection. White Jade is a stone of protection that creates peace and keeps the wearer safe. White Jade is a magnet for friendship and luck. It supports independence and stabilizes the personality. It helps the mind to relax and let go of unpleasant thoughts. Ideas are stimulated. Jade is a “dream stone” that induces insightful dreams. It helps discharge emotions, especially irritability. Jade exhorts you to embody your true self. The body’s filtration and elimination systems benefit from White jade. It works wonders on the adrenal glands and kidney issues. Jade cleanses the body of impurities, repairs cellular and skeletal structures, and heals wounds. It aids in conception and childbirth. Fluid equilibrium is achieved through White jade.

Zebra Jasper Metaphysical Properties

Zebra Jasper inspires us to take action and break out of our complacency. It urges us to just take life as it comes rather than overthinking everything. The vibrant hues of zebra jasper emphasize that point. It teaches us how to live, just like the quick, wild animal after which it is called. Get out of your head, it commands. Consider your body. Allow your zest for life to shine through. Zebra jasper also stimulates the root chakra on top of all that. This roots us and enables us to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.

African BloodStone Metaphysical Properties

African Bloodstone is said to provide protection from negative influences in the environment and the human bio field. It has long been associated with abundance in all things and is used by many to form part of a manifestation grid to attract an abundance of wealth, health and happiness.Many alternative healers believe that African Bloodstone can help with infections and a depleted immune system. The ancient Egyptians used Bloodstone to shrink tumors and some say that blood disorders of all kinds can be aided by the application of this crystal in a healing session. This includes detoxification of the circulatory and lymphatic systems and supporting the liver, kidneys and lungs.Energetically, Bloodstone is a cleanser and amplifier stone, meaning that it removes or blocks negative influences and vibrations and replaces them with positive, healing vibrations of a higher frequency.

African Turquoise Metaphysical Properties

African Turquoise is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that has a rich history and spiritual significance. Its benefits include promoting inner peace and balance, bringing good luck and prosperity, supporting healing and well-being, and enhancing creativity and self-expression.

Peacock Druzy Agate Metaphysical Properties

Druzy Agate is a crystal that is said to have powerful metaphysical properties and benefits. It is believed to enhance spiritual growth and inner stability while providing a sense of calm and tranquility. This is a powerful stone for spiritual healing and balance because it works with all seven chakras in your body. It’s especially good for opening and balancing the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, which can help you tap into your intuition and gain greater wisdom.

Wearing or using Druzy Agate can make you feel connected to the ground and give you energy. It’s associated with the planet Mercury, which might also help you communicate better and think smarter. Druzy Agate properties symbolize balance and stability due to its vibration number of 4. It is linked with Sun Gods, like Helios and Khepri, making it a popular spiritual tool for those seeking a deeper connection with the Sun and its powerful energy.

Raibow Fluorite Metaphysical Properties

Rainbow Fluorite is known to enhance energetic protection, reduce your stress, maintain balance in your energy body, strengthens your intuition, encourages accurate psychic readings, improves mental clarity and concentration, promotes self-confidence, aids in promoting objectivity and fair judgment, and stimulates the intellect.

Morganite Metaphysical Properties

With its soft pinkish hue, Morganite is often associated with innocence, sweetness, romance and love. In general, morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego. Though not an actual birthstone, morganite is said to be an excellent stone for the zodiac signs of Pisces, Taurus and Cancer.

Labradorite Metaphysical Properties

Labradorite doesn’t shy away from beauty, grace, mysticism, and great healing powers. While sometimes the world can strip us of our much-needed energy and precious resources, Labradorite teaches us how to bring life-giving energy to all areas of our souls – from the body to the mind and those deep hard to reach corners which keep us all in balance. It’s a stone that shows the way to self-soothing, artistic ambition, cosmic energy, and enhancing our own mental clarity. Take a look at all the ways in which Labradorite is considered to be the Stone of Transformation.

Black Lava Metaphysical Properties

There are many healing properties of lava stone due to the strong connection to the earth. It's the stone of rebirth and new beginnings. It's also one of the most important Chakras in our body: the root chakra. It is recognized for offering relief in various aspects like intense energy, stability and grounding, courage and strength, muscle tension relief, clarity for improved communication, calming effect to manage anger, energizing to boost mood, and relief from anxiety.

Lava Rock can teach you to ignite the fire within you and allow your true expression to show. When you tap into the energies of this amazing stone you can draw on your inner strength to overcome personal challenges. This stone has the firepower to provide great energy or to pull you back completely while bringing you down to earth.

Black Onyx Metaphysical Properties

Black Onyx is a master of good fortune. All black stones have solid healing properties particularly when it comes to protection and shielding you against anything that could bring harm. Onyx is ripe with powerful vibrations and can bring shades of strength and willpower to the wearer. Not only will Black Onyx throw up a forcefield shield around you, but it also activates certain chakras in the body to bring solid standing, creative focus, and illuminate new pathways to wisdom. Black Onyx grounds you beautifully in body, mind, and soul. 

Onyx Agate Duo Metaphysical Properties

Blue Onyx is linked to the Throat Chakra and shares characteristics with various Onyx types. It offers strength during challenging or uncertain moments and provides support during periods of high mental or physical stress. This crystal helps center your energy and aligns it with a higher power, making it easier to access divine guidance. Blue Onyx aids in visualizing the future, boosts personal resilience, and empowers you to shape your destiny. It encourages vitality, determination, and endurance while facilitating learning from life's experiences. Additionally, it enhances self-confidence, self-discipline, and comfort in your surroundings. Acting as a secretive stone, it helps maintain confidentiality and retains the wearer's memories, making it useful for psychometry. Blue Onyx supports exploration of past lives by healing past injuries and traumas affecting the present. It also eases grief, integrates personal dualities, and promotes stability for those prone to inconsistency. Furthermore, it alleviates overwhelming fears and anxieties, aids in decision-making, and balances yin and yang energies within the body. This crystal is beneficial for dental health, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders, and foot-related issues.

Bio Collagen Gold Facial Mask Properties

Bio Collagen Gold Facial Mask Properties

This innovative gold bio-collagen facial mask is formulated with pure gold, natural bio-ingredients, and hydrating compounds to deliver to you a more defined, younger, and glowing look.Gold can slow down skin collagen depletion and elastin breakdown. This mask stimulates cellular regrowth at the basal layer to regenerate, combat free radicals, stabilize skin immunity, rehydrate skin, and improve skin elasticity, thus reducing the appearance of premature aging.

15-Stage Water Filter

Maximum 15-stage filtration capacity featuring a scientifically formulated process of 12 different filtration layers in 15 stages. Shower filters quickly remove up to 99% of chlorine, sediment, hydrogen sulfide, and water-soluble heavy metals.  Water quality is further improved by nurturing elements of scalar energy which is shown to restructure the water passing through.

Fits on most standard showers, lasts approximately 6-12 months before cartridge requires replacing.

Comes with one (1) extra cartridge.

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary. Information and statements made are for educational purpose only and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. The EESystem is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The views and nutritional advice expressed in the information shared by EESystem or Love and Light Healing are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical advice. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.